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Top 5 overseas destinations in 2022

1. Italy

Amazing food, pleasant language, ancient history, famous art and architecture and friendly culture are some of the reasons that make Italy a great destination for students who wish to study here. There are a huge variety of courses for bachelors’ and masters’ degrees with a wide range of universities that blend in Indian Cultural studies as well as business and fine arts.

Pros:  Italy is highly accessible because most study programs do not require students to learn the Italian language, hence eradicating linguistic barriers. Apart from high quality education, Italy has a gamut of cinematic views, picturesque landscapes and iconic sites of heritage in its topography.

Cons: Not learning the national language makes integrating into the local culture difficult- and this is one culture you don’t want to miss out on. And while eating all that gelato is not necessarily your waist line’s best friend, it works wonders for the soul.

2. Spain

The first word that comes to your mind when you hear Spain is – FESTIVALS! Spain has some historic festivals, that make it unique as a nation. It’s a great destination for hiking, beaches and an endless variety of food. Every year a lot of students set sail to Spain to have a great educational experience without compromising on cultural and extra curricular activites.

Pros: The diversity of study abroad programs in Spain guarantees housing and classroom conditions right up your personal alley. The demographic of study abroad students will be very diverse, but if you just wanna kick back with the locals over a glass of sangria, no worries. The people of this country love nothing more than to chat, share food, and soak up the sun.

Cons: Spain is such a popular study abroad destination among American students that it can sometimes be hard to immerse in the local culture. International students need to be intentional about going off the beaten path and exploring outside their comfort zones; go for some tapas with locals, take day trips to little villages, and get to know your community.

3. England

England is a country that provides a rich historical heritage and is one of the prime destinations for those who want to study abroad. Students love studying abroad in England because it’s an easy country to live in with minimal cultural differences. English is highly spoken all around the country and Indians find friends easily.

Pros: Ideal for students who’ve never been out of the country, England offers a more subtle foray into the world of cultural differences. English is spoken everywhere (even if there are local dialects you can pick up if you’re up for the challenge!) and finding your favorite brands from back home probably won’t be an issue here.

Cons: It might be just a bit too “easy” for students seeking a dramatically different cultural experience. Also, the UK is expensive; there’s no getting around that. If cost is a concern, students should look for programs outside of London for more affordable options.

4. France

France is a bucket full of fashion, city lights, The Riviera and passion. The food is the next big thing that international students find fascinating. France is not just a great destination for studying, but also one of the most historic places with art and architecture that is a marvel.

Pros: Programs are available in such diverse locations as cosmopolitan Paris or medieval Avignon, with options in either French or English. You can choose for yourself how challenging the next semester is going to be. We already mentioned the fancy foods and lyricism of the language, right?

Cons: Even if you chose to enroll in a study abroad program in France taught in English, some prior French language study is highly recommended, especially if you are living outside of the main centers. Be aware that occasional union protests can shut the country down. But hey, it’s all part of the experience.

5. Germany

Germany is popular among international students because of two reasons, Automobile industry and The Oktoberfest. Students are also drawn widely to the pleasures of German culture and world-class education, especially in automotive design and science.

Pros: This is a great place to study business, hard sciences, and German. It’s also a great place for academic internships, with headquarters of some of the world’s biggest companies and dedication to innovation. Inside and outside of the classroom, efficiency is high, so there’s no need to waste time with bureaucratic inconveniences.

Cons: Some prior German study is recommended, though many programs offer a combination of German language and courses taught in English. The best of both worlds!

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