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Study in USA

The United States of America is a prime location and highly popular among students who wish to study abroad. With a strong Economy, highly enthusiastic campus life and most importantly the wide spectrum of academic options one can choose from, USA remains one of the most fantastic destinations for studying abroad.

USA is the top ranker when it comes to quality and standard of education. The Education system is flexible and is recognized all across the world. Most Universities in USA implement the latest technologies and practices in their education patterns and provide a vibrant campus life. Various scholarships are provided keeping financial constraints in check for deserving candidates. USA provides a wide range of options to apply for teaching and training assistants during one’s graduation itself. On campus jobs with basic wages are provided to the students.

Salient Features

Capital: Washington D.C.

Currency: American Dollar ($)

Population: 324 million

Students: 21 million (1 million international)

Academic Year: August – May

Languages: American English

Degrees Offered

Associate Degree- 2 years
Bachelor’s Degree – 4 years
Graduate Degree
Masters degree – 2 years

Cost of Study

$15000 – $25000 per year (Privately run institutions)
$10000 – $20000 per year (State run institutions)


The three intakes available in the US are:
Fall: Starts in August/September.

Spring: Starts in January; it’s best for you if you miss the September/Fall intake.

Available for limited programs and colleges, the Summer intake usually starts around May.


IELTS and TOEFL for proof of English language proficiency.

GRE – Graduate Record Examination – For entry in to Graduate Programs

– Graduate Management Admission Test is required for admission to MBA and other management programs.

– Scholastic Aptitude Test is required for admission in to bachelor level courses

– Law and Medical schools

Cost Of Living

$10000 to $16000 per year

Work Opportunity

20 hours per week on campus

Student visa is not eligible for off campus work opportunity


Universities in USA

Shoreline Community College 
University of Massachusetts--Boston, Boston 
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio
Auburn University—Montgomery, Alabama
Pittsburg State University
University of Illinois--Chicago, Chicago
Louisiana State University, Baton Rogue 
Mercer University, Macon, Georgia
UMass Darmouth
University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi
SAE Institute
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
UMass Lowell
Adelphi University, New York 
UMass Boston
Florida International University, Miami, Florida
University of New Hampshire
University of Massachusetts--Amherst, Amherst
American University, Washington D.C 
Auburn University, Alabama
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
University of Utah, Utah
University of Pacific, California
University of Kansas, Lawrence
University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio
Louisiana State University
Merrimack College
University of Dayton
University of Southern Main
University of the Pacific
Florida Atlantic University
Auburn University
The University of Kansas
University of Illinios – Chicago
University of Utah
City College New York
Long Island University Brooklyn
Roosevelt University
University of Vermont
DePaul University
Long Island University Post
Texas A&M University
Widener University
American University
James Madison University
University of Missouri St. Louis
Montana State University Billings
Community Colleges of Spokane
 Bay Atlantic University
Webster University
St. Louis
Concordia University
Florida Polytechnic University
Adelphi University
Florida International University
Paul Smith College
University of Central Florida
Hilbert College
University of South Carolina
University of Charleston
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