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Student Loan

Student Loan Assistance

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Educational loan assistance is offered through a wide range of Banks. We walk you through loan application to documentation with privatized and nationalized banks, and help you meet your tuition and living expenses overseas. Most students usually require bank loans and sometimes the process becomes very tedious and challenging for the students and their parents. However, our loan assistance team provides credible information and proper guidance in student loans. We have close tie ups with banks that are looking to offer loans to students who plan to study abroad with nominal rates of interest.

When it comes to overseas education loans, there are two main types: Collateral Loans and Non-Collateral Loans.

Collateral Loans: With a collateral loan, the borrower offers up some form of collateral pledging to forfeit it if they don’t repay the loan. This could be something like a home or car.

Non-Collateral Loans: A non-collateral loan, on the other hand, does not require any form of asset, it is based upon your Job Income Proof, Six Months Bank Statements, ITR Documents of past three years and two Co-Applicants supporting you with higher income.

The two types of overseas education loans also come with different interest rates. Collateral loans typically have lower interest rates since the lender has more security that they will get their money back. Non-collateral loans usually have higher interest rates, as there is more risk involved for the lender.

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